Does Positivity at Work Matter?


We all love to spend our time with positive, friendly, and fun-loving people. People are happy, likable, cheerful, and easygoing individuals outside of their work boundaries. However, there is a sudden shift in their demeanor at their workplace. The people that were likable, cheerful, and easygoing now become uptight, secretive, and fiercely competitive. The difference in the behavior in their place of work and personal environment is evident.

The point of observation here is why do people behave so differently in a work environment? Do they wear a mask over their exuberant personality for some personal gains? Do they wish to impress their seniors by acting tough? Are they dealing with fears of their own? 

Do they fear being rejected and isolated in their workplace, or do they fear being terminated for who they are, and thus, keep their friendly and people-loving personalities hidden from their co-workers? 

While one can only guess, I have observed several times that people who project themselves as tough and uptight don’t quite enjoy being that way. They have to mold themselves into the way they think they are expected to behave.  


The important question is Can business owners, management and employees bring in change? 

A positive attitude can be a game-changer. With a positive attitude, people can handle their fears, work demands, and pressure situations in an effective way. By adopting a positive attitude we will witness a shift in behavior, thoughts, and actions for the better and people can be their natural self at their workplace. 


What exactly do I mean by positivity?

Positivity is often looked upon as a smiling, and cheerful face. I believe positivity is more about the mindset, attitude, and overall perspective of an individual rather than a short-lived feeling. Positivity is the ability to focus on living in the present moment and doing things that make you happy.

Why should companies inculcate positivity at work?

Positivity is the catalyst to a companies’ success because statistics have proven that employees with a positive attitude are the key to a successful company. Happy and contented employees are likely to be more productive, stress-free, and energetic as compared to those that work in an environment that doesn’t embrace a positive attitude.

Positivity is contagious so by having a positive staff you are attracting positive and happy customers. Similarly, employees working in a positive environment have better decision-making, problem-solving, and leadership skills.

Also read:

How should companies demonstrate positivity at work?

Companies need to make it a point to encourage positivity at work by being more accepting towards the employees, displaying acts of kindness, fostering a caring environment, and words of encouragement. 

Happy reading and stay safe!

What are different ways to say no?

Honestly, there is only one way to say no, by saying no. There is no better way to communicate this.

How do I learn to say no?

The best way to learn to say no is to practice it in the mirror. You can say it for smaller things that don’t matter as much as well so that you get used to saying the word better.

How do you say no in a nice way?

Say no politely by having appropriate tone and body language. Keep in touch with the person that you have said no to so that they understand that you had a valid reason to say no for.

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